Where does my Energy come from? And 6 GREAT Ways to get it BACK!
Claire - Posted
July 3, 2014
Most people when asked will tell you that they wished they had more energy. But have you ever thought about where energy actually comes from. We often think we know the answer, but do we really?
energy come from the food we eat? Or the sleep we get? Does it come from doing
what we love?
we can even come close to answering these, we have an even more pertinent
question and that is what exactly is “energy”? If you think in terms of modern
day appliances, the answer is easy – electricity of course. Or if you want to
get more complicated, it is the movement of electrons. In this way our bodies
are much the same, we move electrons around and… voila! Energy! This movement
of electrons powers every process in every single cell of our bodies as well as
every organ and system – our immune system, digestive system, cardio-vascular
system and central nervous system just to name a few. If you really think about
it, that is a LOT of electrons doing a whole lot of moving around. In other
words, it take a LOT of energy to power a human.
our bodies have a few built in strategies to conserve energy when necessary.
Many of our high energy using functions will only work when the others have the
power turned down. Some examples are healing and growth happen when we sleep
and aren’t really moving too much, or how food is not appealing at all when you
have a fever because digestion is turned down, the same can happen when doing
ultra-endurance exercise.
On the flip side of this some big processes that require loads of energy actually help to power other systems of the body and in many ways this seems to almost defy the laws of physics. One way this happens is something we see in children, often when a child is sick and burning a fever it triggers a growth spurt, either physically or developmentally. Coincidently, this would also be a time in which they wouldn’t eat very much. Both burning a fever and growing require vast amounts of energy, yet in these circumstances they happen simultaneously while there is a greatly reduced caloric intake.
we get taught at school and through media is energy comes from the food we eat.
This is seen in calorie counting diets, food labeling and even Facebook memes
(how many burpees does it take to burn off that doughnut?). It is all calories
in vs. calories out. What you take in gives you the energy to all that you need
to do in the day. But it is not that simple, just ask someone who has struggled
with a weight issue and done countless calorie restricted diets. They often
don’t work, no matter how many calories they burn. Mostly because obesity is a dis-ease
of too little energy, not one of too much.
if energy doesn’t actually come from food how do we power these energy hungry
bodies of ours and feel like we could run a couple of marathons in a row?
Increase your Leptin sensitivity.
is a hormone we produce in our white fat cells. When it binds with the brain it
acts as a fuel gauge, telling your brain how much energy you can spend. When we
lose Leptin sensitivity we can’t read the gauge anymore, so our bodies go into
fuel conserving mode. We feel sluggish and exhausted. Toddlers are the perfect
example of being Leptin sensitive. They have the two modes; on and off. And
they can run rings around almost any adult because of this easy access to their
energy stores.
particularly yoga as it uses every joint a muscle in the body can greatly
improve your energy levels through a number of mechanisms. Firstly, it helps to
improve Leptin sensitivity as well as insulin sensitivity, allowing cells to
take up more energy. Secondly, it releases a cocktail of feel good hormones
that help to energise both body and mind. Thirdly, 90% of stimulation and
nutrition to the brain occurs through movement of the spine. Although our brain
is only about 2% of our
mass, it requires between 20-25% of our energy intake to function and for it to
get that, you need to move your spine!
cold, like really cold can be a huge boost on your energy levels. There are a
number of biological mechanisms that occur when you get cold but I will
simplify it to make it easier. Getting cold makes you more efficient at
sleeping, which means you heal faster, your brain gets better down time and you
wake up with much, much more energy.
a Chiropractor has some great health benefits, but in terms of energy the
results are amazing. As I mentioned earlier, 90% of your brain’s stimulation
and nutrition come through movement of the spine, but if you only have partial
movement through some of those joints then all the exercise in the world will
not fully charge your brain battery. This effect is highly apparent in the case
of issues with movement through the neck.
time in energetic company
you ever walked away from someone and suddenly felt like you could conquer the
world? People pay thousands of dollars to listen to inspirational speakers
because just being around someone who is enthusiastic and inspired can make you
feel like a completely different person. Energy breeds energy and when that is
happy positive loving energy, you can’t help but be wrapped up in it. Your body
responds with a release of feel good hormones and you can suddenly do anything.
what you love
spending time with energetic people, doing what you love and working on your
life’s purpose can give you more energy than seems humanly possible. When you
feel good about what you do and do it with authentic passion your body releases
all that stored energy.
your shoes off/spend time on the ground or in the ocean
with the earth is not just some sort of hippie way of soaking up some universal
energy. Without getting into the complicated quantum physics, when you get time
to connect with the earth without the encumbrance of shoes or carpet etc. you
take advantage of the earths natural electromagnetic fields (you know the ones
that make compasses work). What happens is the same as when you put a fork in
the toaster, although a lot safer and less dramatic, you equalise out the
electric fields. With the example of the toaster, there are more electrons in
the live wires of the toaster, so they travel to where there are less
electrons, which is the earth, through your body. When your body touches the
earth and you are in a state of exhaustion (low energy=low number of electrons)
the same process draws electrons from the earth and into your body,
rejuvenating and re energising your cells.
next time you get that 3pm slump, rather than go for a Mars bar or a
cuppa-soup, try taking a walk outside with bare feet.